21st Century Painting and Roofing has been serving the Austin area since 1996. We are dedicated to giving our customers’ the finest service and workmanship in the industry weather it be in Painting, Roofing, Residing or Small repair jobs you may have. From residential to commercial, small projects to large rest assured your job is in the hands of qualified professionals. Let a 21st Century Professional bring your home or building into the 21st Century. Estimates for your project are generally printed on site and given to you at the time of our appointment. Your project is saved from day one into our database so job details and colors can be referenced any time at the touch of a finger.
How To Hire a Contractor
It can be a very stressful endeavor to hire a contractor you do not personally know. We realize you want to hire someone who is honest, trustworthy, and dependable and will get the job done in a professional and timely manner. We are positive you will find us to be that kind of contractor. But still there are some Do's and Don'ts in helping you find a good contractor. Note some of the following tips:
- Don’t hire the first contractor who comes along unless after talking to others you feel he is the best.
- Don’t be victimized by someone making a door-to-door presentation offering to do a paint, roof or siding job on the spot and requiring a cash deposit. Be especially cautious after storms.
- Don't let any payments get ahead of the work completed.
- Don't pay the full cost of the job up front.
- Do check with the local BBB to see if contractor is a member and in good standing.
- Get at least three bids from reputable contractors.
- Ask for a recent reference list. Contact the bidding contractors reference list asking questions about performance in areas that concern you.
- Require a written contract and read the entire contract; do not sign until you understand all the terms and the scoop of the contract. Also compare bids to ensure all contractors are quoting the Scope of work. Price differences can often be due to a smaller scope of work.
- Read your contract twice, sign once.