High quality materials and excellent warranties We only use the best materials to give you a long lasting exterior paint job. We let you choose what paint you would like to use to complete the job. Kelly Moore, Sherwin Williams, Pittsburgh paints and Benjamin Moore are some of the top brands we use. Satin finish for exterior's will give you a long lasting washable paint that will last for years.
Preparation for exterior painting is vital!
- Your house will be pressure washed using a Bleach and Jomax house washing mixture, just washing alone will not remove built up dirt and mildew. We recommend that you wash your home at least every 2 years to remove future dirt and mildew growth and to keep your home looking pristine.
- Replacement of rotten wood if included in your contract. This can range from the replacement of 1 board to residing of your entire home depending on your needs and budget.
- Any loose paint must be scraped away before light sanding is performed.
- Prime all new and exposed wood surfaces, plus spot prime rusting surfaces.
- We inspect the condition of all caulked surfaces on home and Re-caulk areas that are failing including removing old loose caulking.
- Windows, shrubs and decking are covered as needed while working.
- Your home is painted using Top quality Kelly Moore or Sherwin Williams paint or other paint at your discretion.
Don’t forget if you have a stained front door we specialize in refinishing of wood entry doors.
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